Happy Holidays from CISEPO!

As the holiday season unfolds, we extend our heartfelt wishes to you and your loved ones for joy, connection, and peace. This time of year is a poignant reminder of the power of togetherness and the resilience of the human spirit.

We recognize that 2024 has been a challenging year for many, with hardships and suffering weighing heavily on individuals and communities worldwide. Yet, in the face of these challenges, we’ve witnessed incredible acts of kindness, collaboration, and courage. These are qualities that inspire hope for a brighter future.

At CISEPO, we remain deeply committed to fostering health equity, dialogue, and peacebuilding, working hand in hand with our global partners to create meaningful change. As we reflect on this past year, we are filled with gratitude for the support and collaboration of our community, which strengthens our shared vision of a healthier, more peaceful world.

As you gather with loved ones, we hope you find moments of warmth and renewal. Let us carry forward the spirit of compassion and generosity into the new year, continuing to build bridges and lift one another up.

From all of us at CISEPO, happy holidays and a joyful, peaceful start to 2025!

Warm regards,


Exciting Changes to Come! Time for refreshing our Board!

It’s time for Board of Directors renewal at CISEPO! We love our board members and thank them for their dedicated service during their appointed terms. Terms of appointment moving forward will be 1 or 2 years before renewal. Our value set at CISEPO is centred around inclusivity and equitable representation to best inform our programs, and that means regularly creating opportunities for board involvement from those who love what we do, want to get involved, and are members of the communities that we work work in Canada and globally. Do you have skills in finance, charitable law, advertising and social media, fundraising, strategy, or an area that we may not even be thinking of but compliments our work? Please send us an email with your CV and a cover letter of interest to info@cisepo.ca with the subject heading “Board of Directors Application 2023”. We will be separating applications into an application pool for our Canadian Board and an international advisory board and we’re really excited to meet you wherever you’re submitting your application from.

I-GEMH is rolling! Come join for CPD credits and be a part of the our next gen of international grand rounds for 2022/2023

Please also join us on November 11 at 8 a.m. Eastern Standard Time for the next International Geriatric Mental Health (I-GeMH) Education Network Rounds on “Life doesn’t stop”: Using the Driving and Dementia Roadmap to Support Driving Cessation, presented by:

Dr. Mark Rapoport, MD, FRCPC, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre, Canada and

Dr. Gary Naglie, MD, FRCPC, Baycrest Hospital, Canada

Click here to register: 


These rounds are intended to connect participants interested in geriatric mental health and become a forum for sharing resources as well as cross-promotion.

As always, please find up to date sessions and postings on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram too!

IPEME 2003 planning and Regional Gathering

For all applicants and IPEME alum that are wondering when we’ll post info for IPEME 2003, we’ll try to make some final determinations over this coming month as to the format for IPEME 2023. It looks like 2023 will remain virtual and we will work towards returning in person in the summer of 2024. Keep your eyes peeled for further details about application and participation in the virtual version of IPEME for 2023.

We’re having a regional gathering for IPEME alum from Israel, Palestine, and Jordan in either late November or Early December 2022. Please get in touch with us via email to express interest in joining! We can’t wait to see you!

IPEME 2022 and CISEPO 2022 Programs

Dear Friends,

I hope you’re all staying healthy and well during these challenging pandemic days. All CISEPO programs from the remainder of 2021 and for most of 2022 will be delivered entirely virtually. We will be continuing with our Health Equity Grand Rounds, Behavioural Neuroscience Grand Rounds, Aging and Mental Health Grand Rounds, International Dermatology Grand Rounds, and Canada-Kenya High Risk MFM Grand Rounds, as well as our Virtual based Covid-19 Rapid Response Community Leadership Program ( Mental Health and Crisis Prevention Streams). These programs will resume in October 2021 virtually and we look forward to seeing on zoom our friends and colleagues all around the world. If these sessions are new to you and you’re interested in joining, then please reach out to Maha at maha@cisepo.ca or to Shawna at snovak@cisepo.ca

IPEME will undergo some changes for 2022. We’ll be integrating new health equity components in the curriculum and McMaster University will assume a larger role in the global health portion of the program. As we’re not yet certain whether it’ll be feasible to offer IPEME in person again this year and we’ve had much demand from other disciplines to apply, we’re going to consider opening up the program for 2022 to those in other programs beyond medicine. This change in admissions to the program will be a temporary change for the 2022 virtual program and we will return to our original medical elective format post-pandemic. Please contact snovak@cisepo.ca with any questions about IPEME 2022.

Wishing everyone well and hoping that we see each other again very soon!

Summer Electives Clarification for 2021 (Including IPEME)

All of our summer elective programs for 2021 will be offered virtually. This is because of continued pandemic restrictions and border closures. We want these programs to continue and offering them virtually is the best way to minimize risk and create some pretty amazing versions of our programs. We want to offer ways to safely participate from wherever you are as long as you have internet access. If reliable internet access is challenging but you would like to apply than please reach out to us at info@cisepo.ca for with a request for assistance and we might be able to help with support for this.

We will be replying to all applicants who have submitted an application within the next week and have extended the submission date to allow for submissions due to exceptional circumstances. Please complete any applications as soon as possible.

Upcoming IPEME Deadline for 2021

Please note that IPEME 2021 applications will be due by February 26th at midnight and our program team is aiming to have selection decisions issued via email by March 15th, 2021. This year’s program will be delivered virtually to accommodate Covid-19 restrictions and support participant safety. However, it will still be an amazing experience and we would love to have you join us!

IPEME 2021 Status Update: COVID-19

Due to ongoing concerns relating to the COVID-19 pandemic, the University of Toronto has made the difficult decision to suspend all elective programs for visiting international students for 2021. 

CISEPO will offer IPEME as a virtual accredited elective for the summer of 2021. We will continue to monitor the situation closely and update the portal with information for the 2021 virtual program and the 2022 IPEME program.  We appreciate your patience throughout this challenging period.  

IPEME 2021 Update

IPEME applications for 2021 are now open, however we are not yet certain about whether we can offer the program on site in Toronto, Canada. Due to Covid-19 restrictions and the unpredictability of the pandemic we may need to offer the program virtually for the summer of 2021. We will keep you updated as we move forward. You may find details on our social media or contact us directly at info@cisepo.ca with specific questions.


We’re hoping that everyone is staying safe and healthy during the pandemic. At the moment, we’re still not certain what will happen in the summer of 2021 and whether it will be safe to hold IPEME or whether the Canadian border will even be open for us to bring our international students to Toronto for the summer program. We will keep you updated via Facebook and Twitter and this page as the situation evolves and we’re better able to determine whether IPEME 2021 will be held in person or virtually. Sending e-hugs,

Shawna Novak
Executive Director, CISEPO