Exciting Changes to Come! Time for refreshing our Board!
It’s time for Board of Directors renewal at CISEPO! We love our board members and thank them for their dedicated service during their appointed terms. Terms of appointment moving forward will be 1 or 2 years before renewal. Our value set at CISEPO is centred around inclusivity and equitable representation to best inform our programs, and that means regularly creating opportunities for board involvement from those who love what we do, want to get involved, and are members of the communities that we work work in Canada and globally. Do you have skills in finance, charitable law, advertising and social media, fundraising, strategy, or an area that we may not even be thinking of but compliments our work? Please send us an email with your CV and a cover letter of interest to info@cisepo.ca with the subject heading “Board of Directors Application 2023”. We will be separating applications into an application pool for our Canadian Board and an international advisory board and we’re really excited to meet you wherever you’re submitting your application from.
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